Ways to Keep Dogs Calm and Stress-Free During a Move

Moving to a new home is a significant event, and it can be just as stressful for your dog as it is for you. Dogs thrive on routine and familiarity, so the disruption that comes with packing, moving, and settling into a new place can be unsettling for them. Here are some practical ways to calm your dog and make it stress-free during a household move.

1. Maintain a Routine

Stick to Daily Schedules

Keep feeding, walking, and playtime schedules as consistent as possible. Familiar routines provide comfort.

Plan for Breaks

For long-distance moves, plan regular breaks for your dog to stretch, relieve themselves, and play.

2. Introduce Packing Gradually

Start Early

Pack gradually to avoid overwhelming your dog. Introduce moving boxes and supplies slowly to minimize stress.

Create a Safe Space

Designate a quiet room for your dog to retreat to. Keep it stocked with its bed, toys, and comforting items.

3. Use Calming Aids

Natural Remedies

To create a soothing environment, use calming aids like lavender essential oil (diluted) or pheromone diffusers like Adaptil.

Anxiety Wraps

Anxiety wraps, such as the Thundershirt, can provide a calming effect by applying gentle pressure.

4. Keep Their Environment Familiar

Bring Familiar Items

Bring their favorite toys, beds, and blankets to help them feel at home in the new space.

Avoid Washing Their Bedding

Avoid washing their bedding before the move to maintain familiar scents.

5. Use Professional Services

Pet Sitters and Boarding

Consider a pet sitter or boarding facility on moving day to keep your dog away from the chaos.

Doggie Daycare

Doggie daycare can keep your dog occupied and relaxed while you handle the move.

6. Prepare for the Journey

Pack an Essentials Kit

Prepare a travel bag with all the essentials your dog will need during the trip. This should include:

  • Food and water
  • Collapsible bowls
  • Leash and harness
  • Waste bags
  • Medications
  • Comfort items (toys, blanket)
  • A recent photo of your dog in case they get lost

Crate Training

Crate train your dog well before the move. A comfortable crate can be a safe space during the journey.

Car Acclimation

Take short car trips with your dog to get them used to traveling, gradually increasing the trip length.

7. Post-Move Transition

Explore Together

Explore the new home together. Start with one room and gradually introduce other areas.

Re-establish Routine

Quickly re-establish feeding, walking, and play routines to help your dog adjust.

8. Monitor Behavior

Watch for Signs of Stress

Find stress signs like excessive panting, whining, hiding, or appetite changes. Consult a vet if needed.

Provide Extra Attention

Give your dog extra attention and reassurance. Spend quality time with them to help them feel secure.

Moving Made Easy

Maintaining routines, gradually introducing changes, and providing familiar comforts can help your dog stay calm and adjust smoothly during a move. Your relaxed and positive demeanor will also help your dog feel more secure in their new environment.

Let us help with your upcoming move. Contact us for a free quote.